Monthly Archives: September 2016

Commodity Cloud Technology

By |2018-08-09T12:24:48-04:00September 9th, 2016|Categories: Technology|Tags: , , , |

A nice overcast day is the best time to take photographs. The lighting isn't overpowering, there is no glare and natural beauty shines through. In the same light, using commodity cloud technology to manage essential parts of a business is the best way to gain access, analytics and control to make more efficient intelligence driven decisions that [...]

Cloud trading widgets fit for a king

By |2017-08-21T15:29:40-04:00September 9th, 2016|Categories: Metals Blog|Tags: , |

Gear up with the best metal trading platform for steel, non-ferrous metals and recycling. Our cloud based commodity management platform tackles the procurement side supply chain monitoring financial and physical positions for planning and managing risk. Read more...

Coffee- The most consumed beverage at Eximware

By |2018-08-09T12:24:48-04:00September 8th, 2016|Categories: Coffee Blog, Eximware Partner Commodity Management Blog|Tags: , , , |

I should have probably titled this post, "Coffee- The second most traded commodity in the world," but that's been done before. Besides, the first blog post in Eximware's 17 year existence should reflect at least a small part of the company culture and there is not a moment throughout the day that someone in the office isn't [...]

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